torsdag 9 januari 2014

Books I've read 2013

I regularly write blog posts about "books I've read recently", but last year, in February, I also summarised all the non-fiction books that I had read the previous year (2012). In this blog post I will summarise all the books I read during 2013 and top it off with some recommendations of mine.

Just as last year, this isn't actually about the books that I read last year, but rather the books that I wrote about in the blog last year (2013). The difference is kinda big and this blog post actually covers books that I read between September 2012 and August 2013. I more specifically wrote about "books I've read recently" in February, March, April, May, June, August-1, August-2, October and November. Here are the books:

Anders Wijkman and Johan Rockström, "Den stora förnekelsen" [The great denial] (2011)
Magnus Redin, "När resurser sinar" [When resources dry up] (2010)
James Beniger, "The control revolution: Technological and economic origins of the information society" (1986)
Joseph Tainter, "The collapse of complex societies" (1988)

Charles Tilly and Lesley Wood, "Social movements 1768-2008" (2nd edition, 2009)
Donatella Della Porta and Mario Diani, "Social movements: An introduction" (2nd edition, 2006)
Jennifer Earl and Katrina Kimport, "Digitally enabled social change: Activism in the internet age" (2011)
T.L. Taylor, "Raising the stakes: E-sports and the professionalization of computer games" (2012)

KTH Media Technology 5th year students, "The Future of Magazines" (2012) - The book we printed with the students' final reports in my course The Future of Media
Erik Mattsson and Anna Jöborn, "Möteskokboken 1: Grunden för att skapa effektiva möten" [The meeting cookbook: The foundation for creating effective meetings".
Erik Mattsson and Anna Jöborn, "Möteskokboken 2: Metoder för att skapa effektiva möten" [The meeting cookbook: Methods for creating effective meetings".
Jude Carroll and Carl-Michael Zetterling, "Hjälp studenter att undvika plagiering/Guiding students away from plagiarism" (2009)
Mikael Eriksson and Joakim Lilliesköld, "Handbok för mindre projekt" [Handbook for small projects] (2004)

Theodore Roszak, "The making of a counterculture: Reflections on the technocratic society and its youthful opposition" (1969)
Stephen Bloom, "Postville: A clash of cultures in heartland America" (2000)
Henrik Berggren and Lars Trädgårdh, "Är svensken människa? Gemenskap och oberoende i det moderna Sverige" [Is the Swede a human being? Community and independence in modern Sweden] (2006)

Rebecca Solnit, "A paradise built in hell: On the extraordinary communities that arise in disaster" (2009)
Richard Mitchell Jr, "Dancing at armageddon: Survivalism and chaos in modern times" (2002)
Randall Collins and Michael Makowsky, "The discover of society" (6th edition, 1998)

Michael Lewis, "Boomerang: The biggest bust" (2011)
Andreas Cervenka, "Vad är pengar? Allt du velat veta om världsekonomin men inte vågat fråga om" (2012)
Carolina Neurath, "Den stora bankhärvan: Finansparet Hagströmer och Qvibergs uppgång och fall" (2011)

Katherine Boo, "Behind the beautiful forevers: Life, death and hope in a Mumbai slum" (2012)
Naomi Klein, "Chockdoktrinen: Katastrofkapitalismens genombrott" (2007)
Formas [The Swedish Research Council for Environment, Agricultural Sciences and Spatial Planning], "Spelet om staden" (2005)

Richard Heinberg, "Peak everything: Waking up to the century of declines" (2007)
John Michael Greer, "The wealth of nature: Economics as if survival mattered" (2011)
Chris Martenson, "The crash course: The unsustainable future of our economy, energy and environment" (2011)
Richard Heinberg, "The end of growth: Adapting to our new economic reality" (2011)

Herman Daly, "Beyond growth: The economics of sustainable development" (1996).
Anders Gullberg, Mattias Höjer and Ronny Pettersson (eds.), "Bilder av framtidsstaden: Tid och rum för hållbar utveckling" (2007)
Karl Henrik Dreborg, "Scenarios and structural uncertainty: Explorations in the field of sustainable transport". Ph.D thesis. (2007)

My recommendations for best buys (a combination of quality and price) are:
- Berggren & Trädgårdh, "Är svensken människa?" (51 SEK)
- Lewis, "Boomerang" (76 SEK)
- Bloom, "Postville" (104 SEK)
- Boo, "Behind the beautiful forevers" (104 SEK)
- Solnit, "A paradise built in hell" (116 SEK)
- Greer, "The wealth of nature" (125 SEK)
- Mitchell Jr, "Dancing at armageddon" (196 SEK)

Have you read any of these books? If so, feel free to comment!

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